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tv   Ronan Farrow Daily  MSNBC  February 28, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PST

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one. hello and welcome to "ronan farrow daily", it's friday, friday, got to get down to friday. so sorry for that. the clinton library is releases thousands of pages ever documents, let's hope i'm a fast
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reader. we'll have an exclusive first interview in those documents set for release and the first tv interview also with the head of planned parent hood since that group released a new strategy for the mid-term election cycle. we're going to crunch the numbers on all of your reporting on student debt crisis and put the tough questions to a big voice in that fight, kirsten gillibrand, first our headlines. >> set to be released today, the first of more than 30,000 pages of documents from bill clinton's presidency. >> the documents are expected to include confidential communications between the former president and his advisers and may also include communications with former first lady hillary rodham clinton. >> a verdict has come down in the trial of kennedy. >> they came back with a verdict. >> i really did have great, great lawyers and most people don't have access to that. >> ukraine's ousted president speaking out from russia, told
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reporters he intends to continue fighting for ukraine's future and also blamed the west for his country's crisis. >> drought stricken california is getting hit with a one-two punch. >> they are going to get more than a year's worth of rain in the next 24 hours. >> we need the rain, we don't want the mess. >> i was stunned by this character and this time and i was -- i felt the kind of -- the responsibility of that. ♪ >> right now, we are seeing major disclosures around two bibig political figures, this morning, 28 hours of 911 tapes from last september's lane closures at the george washington bridge. governor chris christie's line in the subject, quote, i don't know if this was a traffic study that morphed into a political vendetta or political vendetta
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at a morphed into a traffic study. here's one dispatcher trying to talk to an officer in the field who called 911 to ask what the holdup was. >> they have a new pattern, testing a new pattern of traffic from off of washington. down to one lane now. >> in other info news, happening right now a troef of white house papers from the clinton administration being released by the clinton library, mostly as a result of freedom of information act request and nbc news is furiously working to read through the 5,000 pages, not light reading. those are what's out right now. i tried speed reading was never my thing. there's going to be a lot more to come. finer minds are working on that. this is just the beginning. in total lr 33,000 documents being released over the next two weeks. joining me to break it down is a better speed reader than me,
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mark murray, senior political editor. thanks for joining us. what are we expecting to find in these documents that have already been released today? >> ronan, our understanding these are going to be memo froms form are clinton administration officials and aides to the president himself. normally this is the terrain for historians and book writers several years after a presidency has ended but it's taken on a political con dext and pundits will be looking at the documents because of the likelihood and expectation possibly that hillary clinton would be running for president in 2016. we saw a similar kind of document die not too long ago when many reporters were looking in the diane blair papers, a former late friend of hillary clinton's and people were looking to see what this could pore tend politically for her and whether there could be any type of mine fields. we're going to get several different documents and clinton
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task force and jamie mets letter who served on the security council. >> we'll come back to him as we discuss the significance. the clinton library disclosed as mark just mentioned, they disclosed these memos will mostly be from aides, one of those aides join u.s. right now for first interview that he's giving -- when we called him he wasn't aware the library disclosed he was in the documents. jamie metsle will give us his thoughts. what do you expect to see in these documents? >> i don't know. in any white house there are all kinds of documents and memos that go back and forth and processes for figuring out what you're going to do in the end. that process is inherently messy, you're deciding what course of action to take. it's always difficult. there's going to be a lot of things you would expect but there will be people voicing dissenting opinions and saying
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we should do something that we end up not doing. if people are looking at these documents trying to say was the clinton administration doing its job? i think the answer will be yes. if someone is saying, is there anything that we can raise questions about? the answer to that will answering yes. >> you're so diplomatic. no skeletons in the closet? was there a moment you seized up, oh, my god, not that e-mail? >> i was just sitting in a meeting less than an hour ago and got an e-mail from you, ronan, oh, good. >> he must be want to catch up? >> right. i was surprised that the document referenced me or something i had written, but there are all kinds of things. i'm personally not worried. i'm very proud of the work i and my colleagues did on the national security council. and very difficult situations at the time when this document that is -- will be released or maybe already been released, we were dealing with issues of kosovo and yug slaf ya, the clinton
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administration took a bold position. i think we did a lot of good in that situation. >> predictions whether there will be headlines to carry into the 2016 cycle? >> the answer is yes. people will dig up little things and who knows what's in there. then maybe there will be some documents that aren't being released. you know the other side saying why aren't these released and there are going to be lawsuits and it will go on and on. >> jamie, if i see you in big headlines you can come back on. thanks for joining us. >> any time. >> this leads us naturally to today's battle of the day, do you think bill clinton's legacy helps or hurts hillary clinton and any future aspirations she may have? weigh in by choosing one of two hash tags, rfd hurt or rfd hurt. we'll update you throughout today's show. in other news, planned parenthood released a big battle plan for this year's midterm
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elections, it's the biggest campaign offensive they've ever launched. they are going to spend $18 million in more than a dozen states where the organization says women's rights are vulnerable. that includes senate races in alaska and montana and gubernatorial races in florida and texas. texas is also home to my next guest on the show, planned parenthood action fund president, cecile richards, thanks for joining us here today. i want to ask you, more abortion restrictions have been enacted since the 2010 midterms than in the last decade. your group plans to spend 14 million more this midterm than the last. how do you hope to change the conversation? >> well, i think ronan, an important thing what we've discovered since all of these restrictions that passed, when women know where politicians stand on women's health issues in particular, they will make
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their voting decision based on that. we saw that in the presidential election and state of virginia where a governor mccalliffe was just elected overwhelmingly by women who understood there was a huge difference between him and ken cuccinelli. >> as of last year, labeled 27 states hostile to abortion rights. how critical is it for your group to make sure pro-choice candidates are senate and governor seats? >> it's not been advancing an agenda but making sure women have access to health care. planned parenthood is the largest provider of women's health care in the country. we see 3 million patients a year and women turn to us for health care needs. one in five women in the country at some point in their lifetime and respect us when it comes to elections and they rely on us to tell them who's on their side. again, women are going to be the majority of voters in november. they have been for the last
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several cycles and again, what we've shown, it's the gender gap that is really determined who wins and that will be true in the key races you mentioned. >> planned parenthood was the most successful lobby during the 2012 election and 98% was spents on winning candidates, you have a good track record on this. why do you think that is? would do you think you've been so successful in the past? >> we represent millions and millions of american women and they respect us and think of us as a health care provider which we are. rear not a partisan organization, we're looking to make sure people in office respect women's health and rights. i think one of the things you'll see in november that we're seeing now is that it has been a war not only on reproductive rights but access to birth control. this seems to continue to be an issue that candidates are pushing. folks in this country and particularly young women and men cannot understand whyny politician would be against them getting access to birth control. but i'm telling you, this is going to be an issue in
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november. >> i want to ask you specifically about texas. it's been a critical battleground since wendy davis has been nick named abortion barbie. what's your group's next step in texas? >> well, texas is a really important state. important to me because it's my home state. it is a state where planned parenthood has been a health care provider for 75 years. we are one of the largest providers of preventive health care but over the last few years under governor perry there's been an all-out assault on women's access. thousands have lost access to basic preventive care. these are issues that are going to be front and center in the gubernatorial race and down ballot races and very clear distinction between senator davis and her opponent and i believe that again, women are paying attention in a way in texas that perhaps they haven't since my mom ran for governor a couple of decades ago. >> and i am a fan of hers personally, cecile richards,
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thanks for taking time to join us. we'll follow your fight on this closely. >> thanks a bunch. welcome. >> first, before we return to abortion issues, we have to get through the rest of today's show and that includes breaking news in new york. we're seeing a verdict in the kerry kennedy trial. we'll bring you details on that and also, why are oscar voters still pretty much all white guys? we'll look at the panel from hollywood and ask about the power of entertainment and you've helped us report on our call to action. we're going to bring you the conclusion of your stories about student loan debt. coming up, what are solutions? kirsten gillibrand will tell us what she thinks we can do to fix the problem. stay with us. ♪ ♪
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we have news that just broke a few hours ago out of new york where a jury has found kerry kennedy not guilty. the jury's decision was unanimous. kerry was accused you may recall of driving while under the influence of prescription medication. she spoke outside the courthouse about the verdict. >> i really did have great, great great lawyers. most people don't have access to that. >> joining me now is legal analyst kendall coffey. kennedy claimed she mistakingly took ambien instead of thyroid pills. what does it say that the jury took such a short time for the verdict? >> every case is different but in this case, you had a lot of
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things going for the defense. one of the things about a famous defendant is it brings you the best of times and worst of times on the justice system. on the good side you can get the best lawyers and best experts and it doesn't hurt to be a kennedy. juries are going to give you not only a reasonable doubt but sometimes a benefit of a doubt that isn't so reasonable. >> and right, also i think everyone takes ambien and knows that's a relatable thing. i prefer ny gsquil. >> this took 20 months and required change of venue. do you think prosecutors made the right decision to pursue the case? >> i think the prosecutors are looking at this and saying look, we had no choice. she was arrested and impaired and in a condition where anybody else would have been arrested. we have to treat a famous person and the problem was it was a close case. when the defense worked it and
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prosecution expert witness saying yeah, you could take it and actually not know that you're impaired, when you get that kind of admission from the prosecution's own witness, you're cruising for a not guilty. not a surprising verdict. but it's also not surprising that the prosecution felt we've got to take this to trial. we don't want to send a message that kennedys, rich, important family people get treated differently than anybody else. >> that was kendall coffey, thanks for joining us. just ahead on "ronan farrow daily." our call to action this week. the student debt that is crushing young americans and hear more of your responses and we'll have kirsten gillibrand on a concrete solution and tough questions that need answering, stay with us. the day we rescued riley was a truly amazing day. he was a matted mess in a small cage. so that was our first task, was getting him to wellness. without angie's list, i don't know if we could have found
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those who have connected with us throughout this week on our call to action on student loans. this week we asked you, you may recall, to put a face on the crippling debt held by students across the country and we were moved and informed by the responses. you sent us pictures showing how much each of you owe or when you'll have the loan paid off. let's crunch the numbers and get a sense of what the people participating are up against. according to your responses, the average student loan debt is 111, 500. our viewers average amount was well above the average of $29,000 owed. it's important to note there's a selection bias, those likely to respond are often those for bigger burden and had to pay back for under gs graduate and
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graduate school. you all wanted answers to big questions, especially what's happening on the hill and who are those in power doing about this struggle? we invited kir sister gillibrand to discuss the track record and introduce her own proposal for fixing it, the federal student refinancing act. senator, thank you for being here. >> pleasure to be on. >> you've introduced a plan that would give those with student loans who risk paying more than 6% interest the opportunity to refinance at the fixed rate of 4%. my question is who sub sid sized the low interest rate, does that go back to the taxpayer? >> at the end of the day, the federal government is making money off student loans. it's outrageous because of the student loan program our federal government has made $66 billion off the backs of our students. and so if we want to give a student a chance at the american dream, we cannot laden them with
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debt and not allow them to refinance it at the going rate. it's unfair that students unlike mortgages and business loan or any kind of loan can't be refinanced. what it simply does, anybody who has a federal student loan refinance at 4%. it puts $14 billion right back into the economy. >> and i have interviewed a lot of young people grappling with the burden of the debt that talked about exactly that obstacle, not being able to refinance. i want to talk about the president's policies, he wants to cap rates at 10% of income. do you support that approach of income based caps? >> i think that's a very useful tool to reduce the burden on students because for a lot of student loans they are being held by people in their 20s and 30s right at the time when you want to start a family, start a business. to laden these individuals with such high loan rates, it's outrageous and it's wrong, i think for the federal government
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to be holding these loans at such a high interest rate. >> another move from the president last july, we were about to see the interest rate on many federal loans double from 3.4% to 6.8%. president obama brokered an agreement to tie the interest rate to treasury bonds but those are variable and can go up to 10.5%. some have complained about that. do you think that was helpful? >> i voted against that bill because i didn't think it was the right result. i think you should let people refinance at today's going rates and give all of those holders of debt to have a chance, to have a lower rate that's more affordable so they can buy a home and start a business. all of the things that help our economy actually grow. >> banks through this so-called discount window can borrow at the significant lower rate than students at .75% even. and many including senator elizabeth warren have proposed allowing students to borrow at the lower rate. it should be pegged to the same rate banks get.
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is there any way that should be feasible in your opinion? >> of course it is, if it is a federal loan we can set the rate at any level we want. this has been a profit making business for the federal government. $66 billion say lot of money, even over less than a decade to earn that kind of money means this is something we shouldn't be allowing such high rates. for our loans that the federal government holds, you should let them refinance at the going rate of 4%. i support senator warren's bill and that's the kind of reform we're looking for. >> you've been figworking on th. she wrote a letter to student loan giants like sallie mae, pushing borrowing into plans that would temporarily delay payments but leave them in more debt. my question is, can these for profit lenders be a part of the student debt solution or do you think the incentives are too skewed. >> they can. always room for a private market
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but senator warren is correct to ask tough questions, we need much more transparency and accountability. >> another big part of this challenge is the cost of college. it's skyrocketed since 1978 over 1,000%. the president introduced the idea of rankings and tieing federal aid to that. is that a policy you support? >> i think the more information we can give to our students the better. i like the idea of having a one page form that's uniform for everybody and tells you what the debt to student ratio, how much do typical students at that school hold and how many get employed. what is the cost for education for fees, for board, to have all of that information standardized on a one page form is ideal. then they can compare apples to apples and know where they want to get the education and how much it's going to cost and what it looks like for the student body. if all educational institutions had to do that, that would be a good thing. >> thank you for joining us, we
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appreciate the stand you're taking and we'll follow you as you push this forward on the hill. >> thank you. >> one proposal and a lot of questions still unanswered about whether our leaders are doing enough thanks again for all of your responses all week long. we're going to be staying on top of this issue and may bring you in again to help. but first, coming up on today's show, we bring you the number one story you asked us to cover this week. and i'm actually totally with you on it. also, don't call it a come back seriously, it's like the worst comeback ever. paula deen is comparing herself to quote, that black football player. and a race at the oscars, a lot of voters are white, not all of our panelists are. that's winext. stay with us. dad, why are you getting that? is there a prize in there?
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oh, there's a prize, all right. [ male announcer ] inside every box of cheerios are those great-tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. is it a superhero?
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welcome back, breaking news,
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we're following this hour and it has to do about that massive weather system that is impacting people across the country. a swift water rescue was just completed. two men, two dogs were trapped in cypress park, which has seen in the last three days than the last 13 months combined. 94% of california is under drought conditions and this storm will not bring enough rain to reverse that. this storm is moving east over the next couple of days where the rain will turn to snow. early predictions have us here in new york city getting up to a foot. and we're back now with our remarkable daily panel and a look at the color of success. not the best writing on the show, can you tell us some slack. this panel is the best and we'll look at diversity from the lack of it among the folks who decide the year's best films to a famous white lady fighting to get her name back after using the n world.
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joining us, jameela king and monique coleman, a multiplatform community founder. thank you so much for being here. it's always a pleasure to see you knmonique. let's start out with race in the entertainment industry. there's a statistic i found really interest in the "l.a. times", academy voters are 2% black and less than 2% are latino. i'll start with you, is that why we see so few nominees of color? >> i think it's part of it, part of the systemic racism of hollywood. i think there's an interesting story about the actual oscar statue which is named after an undocumented mexican immigrant. he fled mexico in 1925 and he came to l.a. and established himself and he was the original mold for the statue, people of
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color have always been on the per ifrry. >> we're kind of seeing a change because we have the "vanity fair" cover which is predominantly black, representing power players in hollywood and black director potentially winning best picture. do you think it matter he's british? >> no, i think that's a really great point. we have to put it into a global context. african-americans represent 13% of america. and although we really want to be represented in hollywood. it's important when we're talking about diversity that we're really including all of diversity, whether that be indian or actually african, it's amazing about lupita, she's from london. >> -- other than the fact she looks amazing. >> she could wear a paper bag. love her. love everything about her.
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>> she and other diverse actors are facing a battle. this was a film that had a subject matter that lent itself to diverse casting. we're not sure whether that would trigger a change in films in general. also being a woman in hollywood. monique, you have lived this challenge, one stat i loved was the "new york times" reporting that lead actors average 85 minutes on screen in this year's nominated films and lead actresses average 57 minutes on screen. pretty interesting, right? >> it is interesting. the highest average was gravity, an uninterrupted hour of an dra bullock screaming -- >> being an embryo. >> what do you think hollywood can do to confront that. >> we need more women writers and more women in the rooms telling the stories and financing these films. a lot of the reason why a film gets made has to do with whether it's going to have global appeal and so forth.
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with all of the emerging -- with all of the emerging globalization, as far as people really needing to distribute movies worldwide, we have to represent women more accurately and more globally. >> amen to that. >> maybe you don't want to be represented by one woman in particular, miss paula deen back in the news. >> oh, paula. >> paula is in the news again discussing for life scandals and she feels she has o pressed and she wants to get her big name back like quote, that black football player who recently came out. >> she's just the racist person who says repeatedly racist things to prove they are not racist. >> let me challenge you. is that a racist statement. it's maybe phrased awkwardly? >> instead of focusing on statements, she represents institutional racism. he was sued for employment
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discrimination and all of the stuff of her dreaming up slave themed dinner parties was secondary to the fact she was discriminating against black employees. >> those things it's hard to argue on. do you think she can ever lose the association with the n word? >> it is hard to shake that. at the same time i'm from the south and from south carolina. i've actually visited her restaurant and when i took my grandmother and mother on a generational trip and we made a point -- before all of that. and i think being somebody who comes from the south, i'm exposed to people having diverse ways of speaking and -- >> that is such a diplomatic way to describe -- >> she's really in a hole and trying to crawl out of it. there's really not much she can do really to change the way that people view her. i think she's just -- >> proposal, maybe she should never ever talk about black people it's bad every time she does? >> or maybe give money to the people who worked for her for
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decades? >> has she not given contributable donations? >> i don't know for a fact. you're trying to pay off the black people, huh? whatever she does, we're going to be very critical of her. and i try to send her -- >> paula, we sent her love and wish her the best but we don't necessarily agree with her actions and words. >> absolutely. >> switching to a more serious topic, president obama announced my brother's keeper to help disadvantaged he described as brown young people, specifically young american. which is an interesting transition in the terminology. have you heard that? >> i say brown people. >> but the president does, he has made sort of an effort to not talk slexclusively about blk or brown men of color. this was a good step in the right direction. it's not all that needs to be done but a start. >> he talked about his personal experiences and not having a father figure and that leading
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him to some down some shady paths towards drug use. do you think that kind of frafrmgness helps young people who are looking help? >> i absolutely do. i think to deny the fact he's an african-american president would be ridiculous. the road to get him to this point is different than the road to keep him there. he has a real opportunity as a black man to really big a role model for america obviously but specifically for young black men to be able to look up to him and know they've had -- that he's had similar struggles and overcome them in order to become who he is. to really inspire and instill that and say it doesn't matter where you are right now but you can become whatever it is you want. >> that's a bright note to end on. my friends, thank you so much for joining. we'll be live tweeting oscars over the weekend and have you back on the show. >> first, let us check back in on today's battle of the day. we asked you if you thought bill clinton's legacy would help or hurt hillary clinton. here's where we are so far. 85% have picked rfd help and 15%
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picked rfd hurt. michael chose rfd hurt and shared this. i saw this movie in 2008. leah chose rfd help and said president clinton is well loved amongst many liberals and any attack is old hat. keep them coming. heroes and zeros, one involves a good samaritan and another a proposal that could endanger a loved creature. we'll explain. captain obvious: . and a hotel is the perfect place to talk to you about hotels. all-you-can-eat is a hotel policy that allows you to eat all that you can. the hotel gym is short for gymnasium. the hotel pool is usually filled with water. and the best dot com for booking hotels, is it's on the internet, but you probably knew that. or maybe not, i don't really know you. bellman: welcome back, captain obvious. captain obvious: yes i am. all those words are spelled correctly.
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militants and his new remarks happened just after russian speaking gunmen stormed the airport in crimea, one of the remaining spots where the revolution has not taken hold yet and pro-russian sentiment is high. throughout the week i've been asking what you wanted to hear more about. the number one story you asked for was venezuela. bloody violence in that country has been spiraling out of control for element a month now, at least 15 have been killed in protests but what's driving the conflict. in short it's about economic collapse? and the biggest symbol is a 45-story slum called the tower of david. right now we're taking you inside the tower as part of our ongoing series, the world unseen. a startup media company called vok tif, the technology penetrates the deep web, so sit back and take a look at the
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people we found with those tools in the world's tallest slum. >> known for social struggles but also known for its beautiful people. over 40,000 plastic surgeries are performed each year while the government struggles to house the ever growing population. all of the facelift and tummy tucks appeal in comparison, one of the largest skyscrapers has become the tallest slum. looming 45 stories, it is a monument to a failed banking system. after years of frustration with the housing crisis, 2500 people say they've had enough and just moved in. even though the tower has had stories of violence and drugs and death, families have continued to move in, creating their own world.
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homes and businesses and econ y economy. after several weeks of long conversations our contacts agreed to let us in. our friend is driving us there now and we're wondering if this is going to be the dangerous horrible place that everybody talks about.
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we're on floor number 22 heading up to the 27th floor. this is what they have to endure every day. when these people occupy the tower, it looked like this. it was a construction site and it was abandoned and it still needs clearly some intervention to make it suitable for living and safe for people to walk around.
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>> my friend alfredo brought me to one of the apartments they are building. it's a new couple that just moved in and they are renovating the place.
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>> we're going to have much more for you on venezuela and breaking news there all next week of the on today's show thi of the day. p and our heros and zeros right after the break. 0,000 hours of supercomputing time, 3 million lines of code, 40,000 sets of eyes, or a million sleepless nights. whether it's building the world's most advanced satellite, the space station, or the next leap in unmanned systems. at boeing, one thing never changes. our passion to make it real. ♪ when my son was born, i remember, you know, picking him up and holding him against me. it wasn't just about me anymore. i had to quit.
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oh, you know, i love that guy. mm-hmm. [ male announcer ] these types of plans let you visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. and there are no networks. you do your push-ups today? prepare to be amazed. [ male announcer ] don't wait. call today to request your free decision guide and find the aarp medicare supplement plan to go the distance with you. go long. welcome back. it is time for our heros and zeros of the day. new yorkers are cold and indifferent, right? our hero today proves that maybe it's not so. her good deed is not forgotten. this is the story. a very pregnant upper east sider was trying to hail a cab to the hospital. the baby didn't wait. door man of the building rushed out to help and then right there in a crosswalk, the miracle of birth.
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another new yorker, isabel williams called 911 and instantly took off her coat and sweater to be used as a blanket. the happy parents named their healthy baby in honor of our hero. she may not want to use that coat again up intil it's dry cleaned. but she's our heroine. on another note, tabloids love this kind of story and so do we. they also love the kind of story that we see in our zero of the day. this ones from the last frontier. state officials in alaska say it's time to delist some hump back whales from the endangered spees sis act. they want to at that time beautiful creatures off the list. in 1966, there were fewer than 1400 in the north pacific. but since being listed as
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endangered, those protections have helped the whale population grow. there are how about 20,000 today, a big increase. alaska officials say the law represents an unnecessary regulatory burden to the oil and gas industries working in the same area. the law is working. so alaska state officials who want to remove some whales from the endangered species act are today's zero. so as promised, we asked you you whether you thought bill clinton would help or hurt hillary clinton's chances in 2016. the winner by a huge margin, 8 #% rfd help. thanks for everyone who weighed in. that wraps up week one. we will be back right here at 1 ox p.m. monday. thank you for joining me. thank you for your contributions to your call to action. we'll keep you posted on all the stories we've had. but first stay right here,
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because the reid report is on. what have you you got coming up? >> next on the reid report, lessons learned from arizona. can the same strategy be used to advance other issues? plus, congressman a liza cummings is taking on the partisan gridlock. we'll talk about the renewed fight over the irs as well as president obama's new push to help young men of color. and can 12 years a slave defy gravity? we're getting our predictions in as hollywood gears up for oscar, oscar, oscar. hilly cheesesteak anytime, day or night. just like you can access geico anytime, day or night. there is only one way to celebrate this unique similarity. witness the cheesesteak shuffle. ♪ cheesesteak, cheesesteak ♪ ♪ it's the cheesesteak shuffle! huh! ♪ ♪ every day, all day, cheesesteak, cheesesteak! ♪ ♪ every night, all night cheesesteak, cheesesteak! ♪
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in fact, they depend on a unique set of nutrients. [ male announcer ] that's why there's ocuvite to help protect your eye health. as you age, your eyes can lose vital nutrients. ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. ocuvite is a vitamin made just for your eyes from the eye care experts at bausch + lomb. ocuvite has a unique formula that's just not found in any leading multivitamin. your eyes are unique, so help protect your eye health with ocuvite. happy friday. welcome to the reid report. in a moment, the conspiracy
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theory greatest hits of the go. . congressman cummings will discuss his republican colleagues on that session with the tax agency. and later we break down the oscars. can 12 years a slave take the big prize. but we start with a quick update on the situation this ukraine. ousted president viktor yanukovych spoke to ukranians from russia today. he claimed in a performance that was either defiant or bizarre that he's still the president and that no one has overthrown him. also he says he never gave orders to fire on protesters last week when scores of demonstrators died just one day before he fled his palace and tossed his papers in to a river. his speech comes as up identified armed men patrolled two airports in the crimean region of ukraine on the black sea. the area is home to not only many ethnic russians, but also russia's black sea fleet. ukranian officials say the men are russian


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